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Here are some interesting band jokes... enjoy.

A young freshman boy was very upset one day at band practice. The Drum Major, who was a senior, asked what was wrong. The boy replied, "Everyone can march, slide march, high step, and do grouchos but me. I just can't do it!" The Drum Major looked at the boy and said, "Why do you think they made me Drum Major?"

How does a trumpet player change a lightbulb?
He stands with his hand in the air and the world revolves around him.

How do you teach a clarinet to swing?
Hang them from a tree.

What's the difference between a clarinet and an onion?
no one cries when you chop up a clarinet.

how does a bassoonist increase the aerodynamics of their car?
They take off the domino pizza's sign.

How do you make a trombone sound lke a french horn?
Stick your hand in the bell and miss half the notes.

What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?
A drummer

How does a drummer keep a beat?
they don't. (they have machines that do that now)

How is wetting yourself and playing an english horn solo alike?
they both give you a warm feeling but no one really cares.

Who make the best kissers?
French horns but they sure hold you funny

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