Home of the Skidmore-Tynan Bobcat Band

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Where We Come From Half Time Is Game Time!!!

The drumline can really rock your socks off!!!

Drum Major
Josh Gentry

We'd like to thank all you fine folks for linking to us, and for keeping us up to date on news that actually concerns us. Keep up the good work!
Skidmore Signal

This is the unofficial web site of the Skidmore-Tynan Bobcat Band. If you haven't heard of us, you're missing out for reasons beyond explanation. What I can say is that you'd better turn around and run away... Fast! This band will rock your socks off!

This year we have an awesome show planned. Our performance will include the following:


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Updates abound! Keep on the lookout for cool new content!

Who is This Loser with a guitar???
Kyle Burris looking cool as usual...